We take pride in serving the community
At BeingUnited, service is a matter of pride. We focus on providing an all round support system to those in need and strive to make a positive impact on people around us.
To do this, we need you to partner with us. Your contribution need not necessarily just be through donations. There is a lot more that you can do and its not for us, its for the community around you, because a good society has a positive impact on all our lives.
Check out the various ways in which you can contribute to the good work we all do from the "Participate" menu.
To do this, we need you to partner with us. Your contribution need not necessarily just be through donations. There is a lot more that you can do and its not for us, its for the community around you, because a good society has a positive impact on all our lives.
Check out the various ways in which you can contribute to the good work we all do from the "Participate" menu.

Serve one and all
To provide sustenance, healthcare, financial and social aid through direct volunteer-based avenues on the ground or to source such help and support through partnership with organizations across the world, by performing due diligence, personal evaluation (where possible) and scrutiny of all call requests that come in for support and ensure the help is more life stabilizing than momentary.

Do Good
"To alleviate challenges from the lives of those around us through all possible, legal, sustainable and acceptable means necessary to make this world a better place."